有一些東西不見了 因為我沒有用心整理保護的關係...

當下覺得沒什麼的 現在卻成了遺憾

很不想這樣 晚上情緒總是很濃

他去看深奧的電影 總是久久不能言語 然後在某個夜晚將情緒提煉成詩句

而我總是在情緒與白日工作間進退兩難 要點燃 還是熄滅

白日的工作是打仗 不停發射或擋子彈 頭腦不清楚就是死得難看 雖然明天同樣的日子又活一次


然後太多白癡事幹事不想做 真的沒時間做 自行查核我這次被兩個認真魔人追殺 好忙好厭世

(很閒也是會很厭世的 沒有那麼剛好的忙與剛好的閒 不能什麼都想要) 越來越習慣像擠乳溝一樣的把時間擠給運動 不管別人說什麼自己想要什麼很清楚 這樣的經驗一旦有了 下一次想執行什麼就會比較有那個信心與步驟 扯遠了 這是近期的小心得感想 可是我也知道我疏離了文字或電影 其實他們從來也不是我的好朋友 未曾長時間的維繫關係 所以當我情緒來的時候他們也幫不上我


I wanna record the conversation between Alicia and Ruth in The Good Wife S7 E11:

Ruth: I hope this campaign isn't over tomorrow. I'd really like to get to know you,  





R: You're.. interesting.

  You don't let things confuse you.


A: I'm not sure that's true.

  I used to think I knew what life was about, but I don't have a clue.


R: Cherish that moment.

  When you realize you don't know what life is about. That's truth.


A: You think you could ever be happy?

  If you had taken a ...left instead of right, or went up instead of down, you would

  been happy?


R: No.


A: Really?


R: You can't control fate. It's in your genes. Can't change that.


A: So whatever I do, whatever I did-- I'd end up right back here?


R: Well, maybe not here, but some place like here. At the end of every fork, there's a


  Go ahead, take "the road less traveled." You'll still find that cliff.


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